Delivering trusting partnerships for route bus services: a Melbourne case study

The Victorian (Australia) bus industry has been in negotiation with the Victorian State Government about the future development of the State's route bus services and about implementation of supportive service contracts. This paper outlines the system development directions that are being implemented and the way that a broad-based constituency has been built to support those directions. It then illustrates the extension of the tactical trusting partnership approach between purchaser and provider to the level of the individual operator contract, showing how this should create a flexible yet disciplined environment to manage and cope with change and growth. The broad nature of the new contracts is summarised and processes that are being implemented to manage the on-going relationship between purchaser and providers are outlined. Finally, the paper argues for extending key performance indicators beyond the operator to encompass the authority/regulator and the partnership of authority/operator, to extend performance pressures beyond the operator and recognise the interdependence of partners in a true partnership. (a) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E215911.

  • Authors:
    • STANLEY, J
  • Publication Date: 2007-8


  • English

Media Info

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01094856
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: ARRB
  • Files: ITRD, ATRI
  • Created Date: Apr 25 2008 8:04AM