Finnish Road Administration research and development 2006. Annual report

Tiehallinnon tutkimus ja kehittaminen 2006. Vuosijulkaisu

The research and development programme of the Finnish Road Administration is based on the strategy approved on 26 February 2002 and R&D activities are prioritised according to its priority areas. The research and development programme 2006-2010 was approved on 21 November 2005. The road maintenance research and development guidelines 2006-2011 were approved on 27 March 2006. It was estimated that the scale of the Finnish Road Administration's R&D programme was 1 per cent of the appropriations spent on basic road maintenance. The financial framework for 2006 was EUR 4 million. The priority areas for research and development in 2006 were: 1) Requirements of road users and other client groups 2) An environmentally efficient and safe transport system 3) Asset management 4) Smooth flowing traffic through traffic management 5) Cooperation programmes 6) Road maintenance sector tasks. Of the strategic projects, the S12 project, Improvement solutions for main roads, has continued in terms of follow-up research and the introduction of the results during 2006, which is also the project's last year of operation. The S 13 project, the Impact Management Research Programme (VAHA), came to an end in 2006. The research work of the S 14 project, the Low-volume Road Economic Maintenance Programme, came to an end in the early spring. No new strategic projects were initiated during the year. Of the themes, a research programme on the theme of the requirements of road users and other client groups is running from 2004-2007. A research programme on the environmentally efficient and safe transport system theme is running from 2006-2009. The four-year research programme on asset management is running from 2003-2006. A research programme on traffic management is running from 2005-2007 and a research programme on the sector tasks is running from 2006-2009. Joint research and development projects of areas were carried out in the road district and they participated in Finnra's research and development projects. The road districts took part in commissioning theses required for a diploma, master's graduate theses and final projects from institutions of higher education, universities and polytechnics. The research and development strategy for the administrative sector of the Ministry of Transport and Communications 2006-2011 was completed at the start of the year. This report may be found at


  • Finnish

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  • Accession Number: 01094820
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: TRL
  • Files: ITRD
  • Created Date: Apr 25 2008 7:59AM