A study on the political cost savings associated with implementing airline pilot training curricula into the future P-8 MMA fleet replacement squadron

This thesis discusses potential cost savings associated with implementing airline pilot training curricula into the future P-8 Multimission Maritime Aircraft (MMA) Fleet Replacement Squadron (FRS). These curricula rely primarily on high-technology flight simulators and do not require any flight time in an actual aircraft. This thesis also provides an approach for estimating future P-8 FRS cost savings. The results of this thesis indicate that significant savings will likely accrue in the areas of fuel, Aviation Depot Level Repairables (AVDLR) and training expendable stores costs if airline pilot training curricula are implemented into the P-8 FRS in FY 2014. Further research is needed in many other cost areas before additional cost savings estimations can be made. Finally, this thesis discusses many additional considerations that should be taken into account before a future airline pilot training curricula implementation decision is made.


  • English

Media Info

  • Features: Bibliography; Illustrations;
  • Pagination: xiv, 91 p.

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01094657
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Northwestern University, Evanston
  • Report/Paper Numbers: ADA457686 NTIS
  • Files: TLIB
  • Created Date: Apr 24 2008 8:43PM