Methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of collaborative tools for coordinating MDA emergency response

"The Federal Government recognizes that collaboration between the various departments and local, federal and private sector can best support maritime security. Of course the question is how to get these entities to collaborate? Collaborative technology can provide an answer to Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) and Emergency Response collaboration, but the right tool for this mission must be selected. In order for the right tool to be selected, then the right criteria must be used to evaluate the tool for this particular mission. The criteria must not only look at the tool or the network, but the whole picture: cognitive processes, organizational structure, and the doctrine and procedures of the players involved. This thesis will focus on establishing criteria for evaluating collaborative tools in the tactical environment of MDA and Emergency Response collaboration. In this environment, an Incident Commander will need to coordinate military, coalition, federal, state, local entities, as well as non-governmental organizations. A methodology does exist that meets these criteria, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Code of Best Practice for assessing Command and Control Systems"--P. v.


  • English

Media Info

  • Features: Bibliography; Illustrations;
  • Pagination: xiv, 55 p.

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01094641
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Northwestern University, Evanston
  • Report/Paper Numbers: ADA457416 NTIS
  • Files: TLIB
  • Created Date: Apr 24 2008 8:40PM