This report provides a description of various oil spill containment systems. Information was compiled from past and current literature, correspondence with manufacturers and their product bulletins, and from other technical sources. These methods include conceptual design (only if such is described in the published literature), systems under patent application, systems in the stages of final development (with information release obtained from manufacturer), and various full-scale commercial equipment available today. The listing in this report is intended to be as complete as possible, but it is likely that some systems have been overlooked due to their recent development. Systems have been listed in alphabetical order so as to indicate no product preference. It must also be noted that a large majority of the data contained in this report were taken directly from published reports and manufacturers' "sheets" and, as such, reflects the adequacy and integrity of these information sources. The oil spill containment systems described by this report may be broadly generalized into the following types: commercial floating booms, multipurpose booms, improvised booms, and air barriers. This report categorizes more than 50 different approaches to the problem of corralling and holding oil spills, although many more systems are possible.
Corporate Authors:
Environmental Protection Agency
Edison Water Quality Research Laboratory
Edison, NJ United States 08817 - Publication Date: 1973-1
Media Info
- Pagination: 153 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Containing equipment; Oil booms; Oil spill cleanup
- Old TRIS Terms: Oil barriers; Oil containment systems; Oil spill control
- Subject Areas: Environment; Marine Transportation;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00043965
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: May 11 1973 12:00AM