Choice of transport mode in the third age

Kulkutavan valinta kolmannessa iassa

The studied age group (55-64 years) is examined through the concept of the third age. The third age means the period of life after retirement, which is characterised by relatively good health, abundant free time and self-fulfilment. The third age ends at old age when physical problems increase. Studying the behaviour of third age is significant right now, when the baby boom generation is ready to retire. The study is based on data, which was compiled in the questionnaire study of the "Personal repertoire of travel modes and potential for modal shift" project (KULKURI) and which was further specified by the-matic interviews. The interviewees included 12 respondents to the questionnaire from different areas of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. A major share of the studied age group has adopted motoring as a part of modern and prosperous life style which emphasises freedom of choice and which continues also after retirement. During retirement commuting stops and the amount of free time increases. More and more time can be used for mobility and the hour of moving around can be selected more freely. There is no need to move around during the rush hour. Free time promotes mobility related to hobbies and social relationships: even longer trips to summer cabins can be made more often, meeting relatives and going to leisure activities can be done outside of the immediate surroundings or trips can be made only for the purpose of recreation. The overall mobility of some studied persons increased after retirement. Mobility was restricted by decreasing income and health problems that gradually reduce viability. Retirement made people to commit more often to one mode of transport: car users used public transport less when they had loaded value instead of travel period in their travel card, and people committed to public trans-port considered to stop using their car. Economic issues were emphasised in the modal choice of low-income retired persons, but again the share of wealthy retired persons is growing. The development needs of public transport from the viewpoint of the third age concern services operating at off-peak hours, improvement of safety and the service attitudes the drivers of public transport, comfort, accessibil-ity and pricing. Development needs can also be found in the door-to-door travel chains between cities. This report may be found at


  • Finnish

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01090823
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: TRL
  • ISBN: 978-952-201-948-6
  • Files: ITRD
  • Created Date: Mar 31 2008 7:49AM