The functionality and reliability of the traffic accident investigation method. Risk factors and safety suggestions in fatal motor vehicle accidents during the years 1999-2005 studied by Road Accident In 1999-2005
Liikenneonnettomuuksien tutkijalautakuntamenetelman toimivuus ja luotettavuus. Riskitekijat ja turvallisuuden parannusehdotukset liikennevahinkojen tutkijalautakuntien tutkimissa, kuolemaan johtaneissa moottoriajoneuvojen onnettomuuksissa vuosina 1999-2005
This study evaluated the functionality of the new method of road traffic accident investigation. New method came into force at the beginning of the year 2003. The effectiveness was examined by analysing the accident investigation work during the force of the new method. Also, the results of the new method were compared to the results of the old method. Research questions were 1) risk factors and safety suggestions in different type of accidents, 2) risk factors and safety suggestions in accidents having one strong risk factor, 3) differences between the accident investigation teams in the amount and quality of risk factors and safety suggestions, 4) the correspondence between risk factors and safety suggestions and 5) changes in risk factors and safety suggestions influenced by method renewal. The study material consisted of data files of fatal motor vehicle accidents from the years 1999-2001 and 2003-2005 and analysis of 17 case reports of the accidents from the year 2004. The secretaries of the investigation teams were also interviewed. Accident type, age and sex were associated to the risk factors as well as the safety suggestions made by the accident investigation teams. Human risk factors were in focus concerning young drivers and in accidents having one strong risk factor. The accident investigation teams who had produced most and least risk factors differed also clearly in the amount and quality of safety suggestions. Risk factors and safety suggestions were in most cases in correspondence with each other. The new method emphasizes also other risk factors besides human and the study showed that the work of the accident investigation teams has developed accordingly. The analysis of the data file material showed that there was a lot of missing data concerning the drivers of the accident. However, concerning the vehicle and environment there were much less missing information. Based on the interviews of the secretaries of the investigation teams the co-operation seems to work well in the investigation teams and also between the teams and VALT. Workings of the investigation teams varied from one team to another. Based on the interviews the new investigation method has diversified, deepened and unified the work of the accident investigation teams. The study also produced new recommendations to improve investigation work even further. This report may be found at
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- Publication Date: 2007
- Finnish
Media Info
- Pagination: 98p
- Issue Number: 62/2007
- ISSN: 1457-7488
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Drivers; Fatalities; Hazards; Motor vehicles; Traffic crashes
- Geographic Terms: Finland
- ITRD Terms: 1643: Accident; 1772: Driver; 1602: Fatality; 8035: Finland; 9150: Risk; 1255: Vehicle
- Subject Areas: Safety and Human Factors; I80: Accident Studies;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01090819
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: TRL
- ISBN: 978-952-201-952-3
- Files: ITRD
- Created Date: Mar 31 2008 7:49AM