Algorithms for Itinerary Planning in Multimodal Transportation Networks

This paper provides an algorithm and problem formulation for the issue of itinerary planning in urban public transportation systems as such planning is necessary for routing and scheduling decisions made by travelers. The presented algorithm is intended to solve the itinerary planning problem using a lexicographically optimized set of criteria such as walking and waiting times, transfer number, and total travel times, among other criteria. With a shortest path framework using a multimodal time-scheduling network, researchers provide a dynamic programming-based model that can be integrated into an Internet website for journey planning. The new formulation presented by researchers intends to reflect traveler decision-making in terms of reaching a specified location within a time window. The flexibility incorporated into the system expands the solution space in contrast with other itinerary planning algorithms. Testing was conducted to ensure computational speed and planning efficiency.

  • Availability:
  • Authors:
    • Zografos, Konstantinos G
    • Androutsopoulos, Konstantinos N
  • Publication Date: 2008-3


  • English

Media Info

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01091154
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: UC Berkeley Transportation Library
  • Files: BTRIS, TRIS
  • Created Date: Mar 31 2008 8:06AM