Road vehicle aerodynamic design - an introduction
This book provides an introduction to road vehicle aerodynamic design for students, engineers and designers working in the automotive field. A description of the basic mechanisms of lift and drag production on road vehicles (domestic cars, commercial vehicles and track racing cars) is given together with the principles of drag reduction and the generation of downforce. It explains the physical principles and the methods of experimental measurement that can be used in the study of road vehicle aerodynamics. Many of the experimental studies conducted in the previous two decades are described. Wind tunnel and road testing methods are considered and a short introduction to computational fluid dynamics techinques is included. Using the information provided, the reader should be able to attempt a low-drag conceptual design, and should be able to assess the reasons for aerodynamic defects in an existing shape.
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Corporate Authors:
ST ALBANS, United Kingdom AL1 4ET -
- Publication Date: 2001
- English
Media Info
- Pagination: x + 276p
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Aerodynamic features (Vehicle body components); Aerodynamics; Automobiles; Calculation; Design; Lifting equipment; Race cars; Test procedures; Test tracks; Textbooks; Trucks
- Uncontrolled Terms: Computation; Drag reduction (Aerodynamics)
- ITRD Terms: 1337: Aerodynamic device; 5492: Aerodynamics; 6464: Calculation; 1243: Car; 9011: Design (overall design); 5158: Lifting; 1236: Lorry; 1230: Racing car; 6288: Test method; 2789: Test track; 8526: Textbook
- Subject Areas: Design; Motor Carriers; Vehicles and Equipment; I90: Vehicles; I91: Vehicle Design and Safety;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01043682
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Transport Research Laboratory
- ISBN: 0-9540734-0-1
- Files: ITRD
- Created Date: Mar 9 2007 8:08AM