Complementary studies of driving costs for paved roads and gravel roads

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This project supplements a study completed in 2005 entitled :Inspect of road condition on driving costs for paved roads and gravel roads. (Ristikartano et al., 2005). The goal was to particularize the dependency between poor road condition and accident rate presented in the previous study, create a method for giving monetary value for driving comfort, and analyze and model the impact of gravel road structural thaw-weakening and detours on driving costs. Safety models were developed by separating divergence in driving speeds on the road into divergence between vehicles and longitudinal divergence on the road. These analyses were partly theoretical. As a background, the latest studies on safety were analyzed. According to the model calculations, deterioration of roads that are initially in good condition weakens road safety a little, but when the poor condition clearly begins to affect driving speeds, the risk of accidents also begins to decrease. The model can be used as a part of cost models for specifying the impact of road condition on driving costs, but they cannot be recommended for use without reservation in other analyses. The project supplemented modelling information related to driving comfort by taking into consideration the results of a study carried out in Finnra´s customer requirements research program ASTAR, which compared the relationship between the measured road condition and road users' driving experiences. The goal was to evaluate driving comfort in monetary terms, i.e. convert it to economic impact. The intent was to use the framework of analysis created in the study to link driving costs and various factors related to driving comfort to each other, and thereby come up with a kind of shadow price for road users' views on overall costs. However, sufficient grounds for pricing driving comfort were not found. A calculation method was developed for modelling driving costs caused by frost heaves and detours that takes into consideration the severity and duration of thaw-weakening and possible weight limitations and detours in addition to road and traffic data. Information about the frequency of thaw-weakening and weight limitations, the recurrence of frost heaving, and rough estimates of the length of detours were used as initial material. The method is suitable for examining individual cases and the network. New safety models and studies of frost heaving and detours were added to the Excel application compiled in the previous study. The application was also supplemented by taking into consideration new unit values of driving costs and revised fuel cost models. This report may be found at


  • Finnish

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01043660
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: TRL
  • ISBN: 951-803-728-0
  • Files: ITRD
  • Created Date: Mar 9 2007 8:05AM