Comprehensive, Unified Framework for Analyzing Spatial Location Choice
This paper develops a conceptual and econometric framework of nonwork activity location choice that is comprehensive in its incorporation of spatial cognition, heterogeneity in preference behavior, and spatial interaction. The proposed framework subsumes a variety of restricted models, including the multinomial logit, first-order state-dependence logit, spatially correlated logit, and mixed spatially correlated logit models. The applicability of the framework is demonstrated through an empirical analysis with German Mobidrive data.
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- Sivakumar, Aruna
- Bhat, Chandra R
- 0000-0002-0715-8121
- Publication Date: 2007
- English
Media Info
- Media Type: Print
- Features: Figures; References; Tables;
- Pagination: pp 103-111
- Monograph Title: Travel Demand 2007
- Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
- Issue Number: 2003
- Publisher: Transportation Research Board
- ISSN: 0361-1981
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Activity choices; Choice models; Location; Location theory; Logits; Multinomial logits; Spatial analysis
- Identifier Terms: Mobidrive project
- Uncontrolled Terms: Activity based analysis; Activity based modeling; Activity scheduling
- Subject Areas: Economics; Highways; Planning and Forecasting; I72: Traffic and Transport Planning;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01047521
- Record Type: Publication
- ISBN: 9780309104296
- Files: TRIS, TRB, ATRI
- Created Date: May 2 2007 1:01PM