This report presents the results of a series of optimal design studies of submersible hulls. In this design procedure the designer specifies the design parameters such as the operating depth, hull diameter, hull segment length, hull eccentricity (out-of-roundness), construction material properties, the factors of safety to be used in design, the maximum and minimum values permitted for the design variables, and, when required, a maximum (when external frames are used) or minimum (when internal frames are used) frame diameter. The synthesis procedure selects those values of the design variables, plating, frame web and frame flange thicknesses, frame flange width, and frame spacing that minimize the hull weight/weight displaced ratio while still satisfying all the design equations conventionally used in submersible hull design. These studies show that given a specific set of design parameters, the optimal weight/weight displacement ratio is independent of the diameter of the hull. Furthermore, the optimum hull dimensions are proportional to the hull diameter. The studies demonstrate that hull eccentricity can substantially increase weight. The most important failure mode was found to be shell (between frame) instability thus suggesting that high strength longitudinal stiffeners may be effective in submersible hull design. The effects of frame spacing and the use of high strength frame and plating materials on optimal design were also investigated.

  • Corporate Authors:

    Newark College of Engineering

    323 High Street
    Newark, NJ  United States  07102
  • Authors:
    • PAPPAS, M
    • Allentuch, A
  • Publication Date: 1972-7

Media Info

  • Features: References;
  • Pagination: 84 p.

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00041362
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Ship Structure Committee
  • Report/Paper Numbers: NCE Rpt#NV6
  • Contract Numbers: N00014-71-A-01240002
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Mar 2 1973 12:00AM