Noise protection realisation program for Helsinki Metropolitan Area for years 2005-2025

Paakaupunkiseudun paateiden meluntorjuntaohjelma vuosille 2005-2025

The previous Noise Protection Realisation Program for Helsinki Metropolitan Area has been updated in this work for years 2005-2025. The Program includes noise protection measures for public roads of the Metropolitan Area. The update of the program was done without new noise calculation and based on the information from the previous plan. Material from recent noise protection plans for road sections has been utilised in this work. The realisation of the previous program was analysed. From 27 road sections for years 2000-2004 in the previous plan in 5 was implemented and in 3 target sections the measures were partly done. The dominating reason for the poor implementation of the plan is the lack of funds allocated to noise protection. The Noise Protection Program consists of 57 road sections. The sections are divided in two implementation classes for years 2005-2015 and 2016-2025. In the first period the road sections are prioritised by the urgency of the noise protection measures. The first seven sections can be rapidly implemented, because of existing plans for noise protection. The costs of the noise protection measures in this program were estimated very roughly by the type and the estimated dimensions of the noise barriers. The rough estimation of the total costs of the measures of this program is in total 59 million euros and 42 million euros for the first period (for years 2005-2015). A working group of the Ministry prepared a program for the policy of transportation infrastructure. One thematic project in it is the noise protection for Metropolitan Area for which 20 million euros have preliminary been allocated. This report may be found at


  • Finnish

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01038007
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: TRL
  • ISBN: 951-798-570-3
  • Files: ITRD
  • Created Date: Dec 19 2006 10:10AM