Intelligent transport services. User needs and transport policy goals

Telemaattisten palveluiden tarpeellisuus. Kayttajien mielipiteet ja liikennepoliittiset tavoitteet

The development of transport telematic services should be based on stated user needs and requirements. User involvement is therefore an integral part of the whole design process of any new product or service. From a social point of view, however, any decisions in the implementation of telematic services must take into account all the possible benefits, costs and effects of the different services. This study was designed to investigate how important end users (1 000 respondents from a stratified random sample of Finnish individuals aged 15 to 74 years) find different transport telematic services, how much they are willing to pay for them, and how much they would like the government to invest in developing these services. In addition to user interviews, representatives of the authorities (some 40 experts in the field of transport) were asked to give their opinion on future policy for financing and developing the different services. They were asked in more detail about the importance of telematic services in achieving the transport policy goals (traffic safety, equality etc.), and their opinions were sought on the allocation of public funds to the development of different services. Users considered the most important telematic services to be automatic camera enforcement (speeding, obeying red traffic light), variable speed limit signs and real-time weather and road condition information. These services were also defined as the most important development targets for allocation of public funding. Incident information both before and during the trip were indicated as the most important services for drivers. Public transport travellers found route planning, travel time estimation and real-time stop time to be most important. Both traveller groups indicated that incident information was one of the most important services to consider when allocating public funding to the development of telematic services. Generally, users would allocate more public funding to public transport services than to services directed at drivers. Services directed at drivers were probably perceived as more personal, in which case the users were more often seen as responsible for the cost of the service. The results from the authorities questionnaire were similar to the user interview results. This report is available at or


  • Finnish

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01015283
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: TRL
  • ISBN: 951-723-880-0
  • Files: ITRD
  • Created Date: Jan 12 2006 8:55AM