Automatic camera enforcement. Feasibility study

Liikenteen automaattinen kameravalvonta. Esiselvitys

Currently the police use cameras for speed limit and traffic light enforcement. The camera enforcement supplements normal traffic enforcement actions. The camera enforcement clearly decreases the number of speed violations and improves traffic safety. The aim of this study is to describe how an efficient automatic traffic enforcement system should operate. The legal and organisational aspects are also considered. The aim is to find out if traffic information systems could also be used to produce traffic information for road administrators. The current camera enforcement system is a good, if technically outdated tool for local traffic enforcement. However without sufficient increase to the human resources this system cannot be expanded to meet the objectives that have been given to the automatic traffic enforcement. The planned objective system would provide more ways to carry out automatic speed limit enforcement than previously. The feasibility study recommends three different enforcement ways that could be implemented quickly. In the future the expansion of the enforcement system could be made in phases. This would mean development to other areas, like traffic lane or stolen vehicle enforcement. The objective is that an office system of the enforcement could automatically handle the routines, like finding out the owner of a vehicle or writing the consequence letter. Thus the users of the system could focus on the execution of the consequences and clear up more difficult cases. The realisation of owner responsibility regulation is a precondition for expansion of the automatic traffic enforcement. This can be executed using either conditional on-the-spot fine or an administrative payment practice. The possibility to use a more simple procedure to execute day-fines should also be considered. These simplified procedures are needed in order to execute the consequences that the enlarged enforcement system will produce. Three further actions are recommended for the development of the objective enforcement system: the revision of legislation, system design for the office system and roadside piloting of the automatic enforcement system. The automatic enforcement system constantly collects data on traffic that could also be used for traffic monitoring and statistical data collection. AdditionAL features to the roadside systems are required to transmit this data to the road authorities. This report is available at or


  • Finnish

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01015270
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: TRL
  • ISBN: 951-723-764-2
  • Files: ITRD
  • Created Date: Jan 12 2006 8:55AM