In order to determine the causes of hot boxes and to direct further research on the journal box assembly and truck details for improvement of plain journal bearing operation, a task force was authorized to make a field survey of hot boxes. This survey was made on 131 repair tracks, in 15 shops, and in 61 transportation yards of 51 representative railroads. The geographical distribution of the railroads was selected to represent all of the regional territories of the United States, and to embrace operations under all of the climatic conditions encountered. Data were collected through the following methods: 1. By examination of 295 cars which had developed 341 hot boxes. 2. By examination of 17,256 journal boxes in transportation yards after switching, both hump and flat, and before servicing. 3. By examination of 2,422 journal boxes at terminals after inspection and servicing by the regular yard forces. 4. By examination of 3,628 journal boxes at intermediate points where no journal box attention is given. 5. By observations of general maintenance practices on repair tracks. 6. By measurement of 1,588 journal temperatures on 10 trains. 7. By examination of 32 journal boxes which had indication of above normal temperature as recorded by fixed trackside hot box detectors. 8. By examination of 158 journal finishes through the use of a profilometer. In this study, primary attention was given to the journal bearing and its immediately related mechanical parts. However, the scope was extended sufficiently to include determination of the condition of such items as springs, center plates, side bearings, truck sides, and bolsters.

Media Info

  • Pagination: 3 p.

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00040374
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Report/Paper Numbers: AAR MR-360 Res Rpt
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Jul 8 1994 12:00AM