In their continuing efforts to improve navigational aids for the maritime community, the U.S. Coast Guard is establishing an experimental Harbor Advisory Radar (HAR) system at the port of San Francisco, California. The system consists of an x-band radar installed on Yerba Buena Island with the necessary micro-wave link to transmit the radar data to the Control Center at Pier 45, San Francisco. The control center will contain the necessary communication, display and recording equipment required to provide the advisory service and record experimental data. The Control Center will be located adjacent to, and will operate in conjunction with, the Vessel Movement Reporting System (VMRS) currently operated by the Marine Exchange, a commercial organization. The HAR will not direct or control the movement of vessels in the San Francisco Bay area other than Coast Guard vessels used in the experiment. It will provide advice only to the masters and pilots who control the movements of vessels. In order to determine the practical application of HAR, the Coast Guard will operate the system on an experimental basis for a minimum period of six months, commencing about 5 December 1969. This report describes techniques and methods for data collection, and the development of programs and procedures necessary for the analysis of the data to be collected. (Author)

  • Corporate Authors:

    Geonautics Incorporated

    Falls Church, VA  United States 
  • Publication Date: 1969-12

Media Info

  • Pagination: 123 p.

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00015063
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Defense Documentation Center
  • Report/Paper Numbers: Final Rpt
  • Contract Numbers: DOT-CG-93175-A
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: May 7 2003 12:00AM