This study attempts to develop a relationship between the number of bicycle accidents that occur in a defined area for a specific time period and the bicycle usage for that time period. Calculating this rate for the same area for different time periods produced a standard or measure from which trends can be developed. These rates can also be used to compare trends in other areas. The units for the bicycle accident rate (BAR) used in this study are the number of accidents that occur per 1,000 bicycle trips. The study considered only reported accidents that involve bicycles and motor vehicles in Arizona. Accident projections, analysis and application of BARs are discussed. The study concludes that the BAR is a better measure for developing trends than the use of percentages. It was seen that the cities experiencing the majority of accidents are not necessarily in those areas where the bicycle accident problem is increasing. The BAR is representative of the relation between the number of bicycle accidents and bicycle usage. The need is indicated for bicycle safety programs.

Media Info

  • Media Type: Print
  • Features: Figures; References; Tables;
  • Pagination: pp 48-51
  • Monograph Title: Pedestrian Controls, Bicycle Facilities, Driver Research, and System Safety
  • Serial:

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00173106
  • Record Type: Publication
  • ISBN: 0309026571
  • Files: TRIS, TRB
  • Created Date: May 18 1978 12:00AM