Short-haul air transport and advanced aircraft are discussed for two categories of traffic: low/medium density, and high density. Summaries are presented of studies of low wing loading aircraft with active controls suitable for the low/medium density routes with short stage lengths and of propulsive-lift aircraft suitable for higher density routes. In the first case, the optimum characteristics of aircraft sized for 20-70 passengers include active controls for ride quality and gust alleviation; turboprop propulsion offers significant cost and fuel saving with no appreciable block time penalty for short typical stage lengths (on the order of 150 miles). In the high-density field, high bypass-ratio fan-powered aircraft with design cruise speed of 0.7-0.75 M and range capability of 1500 miles, are considered to be optimum. In both short-haul categories, the prop fan (or multi-bladed unshrouded fan) is a very interesting possible alternate, because the optimum speeds for short-haul stage lengths are lower than for long-haul aircraft. It is recommended that the following technologies be continued in development to the point they can be incorporated in project design of transport aircraft with acceptable low economic risk: propulsive lift, active controls for ride quality and load alleviation, composite structure, and advanced propulsion.
Corporate Authors:
Pergamon Press, Incorporated
Maxwell House, Fairview Park
Elmsford, NY United States 10523 -
- Publication Date: 1977-1
Media Info
- Features: References;
- Pagination: p. 35-52
- Acta Astronautica
- Volume: 4
- Issue Number: 1-2
- Publisher: Pergamon Press, Incorporated
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Aircraft; Density; Fuel consumption; Propeller driven aircraft; Ride quality; Short haul; Vehicle design; Vehicle performance
- Uncontrolled Terms: Aircraft design
- Old TRIS Terms: Aircraft performance
- Subject Areas: Aviation; Design; Energy; Vehicles and Equipment;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00172796
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Engineering Index
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Jun 28 1978 12:00AM