A simultaneous equation travel demand model, derived from a choice-theoretic foundation, is conceptually simple, compact, and comprehensive. The advantages over traditional models are: (1) Trip generation sensitive to trip attributes such as travel time and costs; (2) total demand sensitive to substitution opportunities arising from system changing; (3) uniform estimates of the value of time and other common parameters throughout the model; and (4) the efficiency of full-information estimators. A supply function, describing the effect of traffic volume on trip attibutes, and an iterative solution process is required for forecasting. An index of social welfare consistent with individual values implicit in the model can be calculated and used to evaluate alternative proposals for improving the transportation system. /Author/

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  • Accession Number: 00172353
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Report/Paper Numbers: ASCE 13333 Proceeding
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Apr 26 1978 12:00AM