Recently increasing demands for navigation to ports which are ice-infested for some part of the year are mostly due to the economical desirability of exploiting natural resources of Arctic or Subarctic regions. For this particular and simple objective the formulation of design criteria will be attempted in the following: Consider sea transportation system between two points A and B; port A may be situated in a fiord, which is ice-infested for some part of the year, while destination point B may permit ice-free year round operation. A land fast ice cover is typical within such a fiord, while open sea-ice, i.e. more or less densily floating ice floes, normally prevail outside of the entrance to the fiord. The principal variable of the open sea ice is its extent, which changes with meteorologic conditions, mainly the wind direction. Hence, the problem has to be solved under the following constraints: (a) Maximum permissible draft in port A; (b) Distance from port A to Port B; (c) Length of fiord at A; (d) Properties of fast ice: time dependent statistical distribution of strength and thickness in the fiord. (e) Statistical distribution of the distances which have to be overcome under sea ice conditions.

Media Info

  • Features: References;
  • Pagination: p. 101-114

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00172117
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Mar 29 1978 12:00AM