The question is asked: if public ownership is in the public interest, then why does regulatory activity proliferate? The observation is made that instead of assuming that the public transit manager knows the task, governments layer him with constraints--often conflicting and unreasonable. It is noted that regulation is inevitable but more rational applications can be expected in the future. The Federal aspect of regulation is discussed as well as that of labor. The effect of standards promulgated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and by the Environmental Protection Agency are discussed as well as interstate acts and the state regulatory activities. It is noted that the situation should improve in the future as UMTA is simplifying its grant administration procedures. The agency is being restructured to place more authority in its regional offices, which will mean closer coordination between transit authorities and UMTA officials. Regulatory reform is well underway with the Rail Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976. State governments are becoming more active in transit matters and are also recognizing the need for uniform regulatory control.

  • Availability:
  • Corporate Authors:

    Executive Publications, Incorporated

    1725 K Stret NW
    Washington, DC  United States  20006
  • Authors:
    • Mauro, G T
  • Publication Date: 1977-11

Media Info

  • Features: Photos;
  • Pagination: p. 34-38
  • Serial:
    • Volume: 9
    • Issue Number: 11
    • Publisher: Executive Publications, Incorporated
    • ISSN: 0017-2626

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00170920
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: May 18 1981 12:00AM