The investigations in this study indicated that deferred maintenance was being practiced without adequately considering the consequences of such action. Emphasis in the study was placed primarily on the investigation of the consequences of deferring maintenance activities and the formulation of a methodology for deferred maintenance program development to minimize the negative consequences. The major consequences of deferring maintenance that were reported on in this study were: safety; effect on the condition of highway facilities; liability; social effects; effects on the environment; level of service. The methodology for deferred maintenance program development was formulated in five steps. The five steps are: Identify maintenance objectives; Establish priorities for maintenance activities; Selection of deferment activity; Assigning the deferment prior; and Evaluating the consequences of deferment. The research was accomplished by a combination literature search and field study which included a visitation to six states.
Corporate Authors:
Byrd, Tallamy, MacDonald & Lewis
2921 Telestar Court
Falls Church, VA United States 22042 -
- Creech, M F
- Publication Date: 1977-8
Media Info
- Pagination: 124 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Deferred maintenance; Drainage; Environmental impacts; Highway maintenance; Highway safety; Level of service; Roadside; Vegetation
- Subject Areas: Environment; Highways; Hydraulics and Hydrology; Maintenance and Preservation;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00179510
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Federal Highway Administration
- Report/Paper Numbers: FHWA-RD-77-502 Final Rpt.
- Contract Numbers: DOT-FH-11-9107
- Files: TRIS, USDOT
- Created Date: Aug 27 1978 12:00AM