The study is concerned with laboratory testing of an asphalt and rubber (A-R) mixture with special emphasis towards its use to minimize reflection cracking. Tests on the A-R blend showed that it had higher viscosity at high temperature and lower viscosity at low temperature than did the base 120 pen asphalt. Ductility values at 25, 12.7 and 0.5 deg C ranged from 16 to 29, thus showing good low temperature ductility. Two special tests were developed to compare A-R and RC-250 as tack coats and acting as strain attenuating layers (SAL). A-R was shown to be effective as a SAL in the "horizontal shear test," a static load test. The other new test, a repeated beam deflection test (vertical shear test) was capable of separating the test-response of the A-R and RC tack coats but not for the various application rates of A-R. /FHWA/
Supplemental Notes:
- Prepared in cooperation with DOT, FHWA from a study Testing Methods for Asphalt-Rubber.
Corporate Authors:
University of Arizona, Tucson
Transportation and Traffic Institute
Tucson, AZ United States 85721 -
- Jimenez, R A
- Publication Date: 1978-1
Media Info
- Pagination: 91 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Asphalt mixtures; Deflection tests; Ductility tests; Laboratory tests; Reflection cracking; Rubberized bitumen; Static loads; Viscosity
- Old TRIS Terms: Ductility tests (Asphalts); Viscosity test
- Subject Areas: Highways; Materials;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00178802
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Federal Highway Administration
- Report/Paper Numbers: FHWA-AZ-RS-77-164Final Rpt.760
- Contract Numbers: 1-15(164)
- Files: TRIS, USDOT
- Created Date: Sep 14 1978 12:00AM