The purpose of this report is to examine the inadequacies in the existing state laws as they affect the growing number of people owning and using bicycles for transportation. Issues in the areas of bicycle operation, bikeway and bicycle facility construction and maintnenace, and bicycle registration are discussed. This report is intended to supplement and support the work of the Citizens Bicycle Study Committee which was organized for the purpose of reviewing bicycle concerns and making recommendations to the General Assembly. The report notes that legislative and policy reform can do much to promote bicycle use. By providing more bikeways and parking facilities, making provisions for cyclists in mass transit stations and on mass transit vehicles, revising inadequate rules of the road, and improving bikeway construction standards and maintenance, legislation can be used not only to improve conditions for present cyclists, but also to encourage others to begin cycling or to cycle more often.

  • Corporate Authors:

    Maryland Department of Transportation

    State Highway Administration, 707 N Calvert Street
    Baltimore, MD  United States  21202

    Maryland Regional Planning Council

    8720 Georgia Avenue
    Silver Spring, MD  United States  20910
  • Authors:
    • Deltart, G
    • Ostrowski, M
    • Sokal, D
  • Publication Date: 1978-2

Media Info

  • Pagination: 25 p.

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00178516
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Report/Paper Numbers: Bicylce Report 1
  • Created Date: Aug 27 1981 12:00AM