Increasing activity in the development of natural resources in the cold regions of the world has led to a growing interest in commercial marine transportation systems and related facilities. Recognizing the need for dissemination of pertinent data and information critical to the design of vehicles, system components, and support facilities, the MS-9 Panel (Ocean Engineering in Frigid Environments) of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers identified the need for a selected bibliography for use by designers and planners. This special bibliography is intended to fill that need. This special bibliography contains 175 abstracts of selected reports and journal articles that cover the range of problems associated with marine systems that operate in ice-covered waters. The major emphasis of this material is on marine transportation rather than marine structures. The abstracts were selected from those that are contained in the computer tape records of the Maritime Research Information Service under subject area 01, Arctic and Cold Weather Operations, 1 of 24 subject areas used to classify material in MRIS.
Supplemental Notes:
- Price is $7.00
Corporate Authors:
Maritime Research Information Service
Washington, DC United States 20418 - Publication Date: 1978-3
Media Info
- Pagination: 35 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Bibliographies; Cold weather; Force; Frigid regions; Ice; Ice navigation; Icebreakers; Icebreaking; Operations; Research; Seasons; Shipping; Water transportation
- Geographic Terms: Arctic Regions; Great Lakes
- Old TRIS Terms: Arctic environment; Arctic operations; Arctic transportation; Ice forces on structures
- Subject Areas: Administration and Management; Highways; Marine Transportation; Research;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00177043
- Record Type: Publication
- Report/Paper Numbers: Bibliog.
- Files: TRIS, TRB
- Created Date: Jun 14 1978 12:00AM