The potential benefits of implementing the products of selected FAA Engineering and Development Programs at eight major airports are surveyed. Best estimates of the expected performance of the Vortex Advisory/Wake Vortex Avoidance Systems (VAS/WVAS), Metering and Spacing (M and S--part of the ATC System Automation program) and the Discrete Address Beacon System are used as basis for estimating the increase in airport capacity that might be realized from the collective use of those systems in a pre-1985 case and a post-1985 case. Best estimates of the expected performance of the Airport Surface Traffic Control (ASTC) system, the Microwave Landing System (MLS), and Area Navigation Equipment (RNAV) plus results of recent FAA/TSC studies are used as the basis for estimating the individual impacts of those systems on controller workload, changes in air routes to reduce time and fuel, and ILS interference problems at the eight airports. This report summarizes the potential benefits. (Author)
Corporate Authors:
Mitre Corporation
Metrek Division, 1820 Dolley Madison Boulveard
McLean, VA United States 22102 -
- Haines, A L
- Publication Date: 1978-1
Media Info
- Pagination: 71 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Aids to navigation; Air traffic control; Air traffic control facilities; Air traffic controllers; Airport capacity; Airport operations; Airport surface traffic control; Airport terminals; Airports; Automation; Crash avoidance systems; Estimates; Flight paths; Fuel consumption; Instrument landing systems; Microwave landing systems; Mode S; Radar; Scheduling; Spacing; Terminal air traffic control; Vortices; Wakes
- Old TRIS Terms: Air traffic control terminal; Airport radar systems; Area navigation equipment; Instrument landing; Metering; Trailing vortices; Vortex advisory system; Vortex avoidance systems
- Subject Areas: Aviation; Energy; Operations and Traffic Management; Terminals and Facilities;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00176216
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: National Technical Information Service
- Report/Paper Numbers: FAA-EM-78-4-Vol8 Final Rpt., MTR-7350-Vol8
- Contract Numbers: DOT-FA78WA-4075
- Files: NTIS, TRIS
- Created Date: Aug 19 1978 12:00AM