Phase I of the Electric Vehicle Design Program described was a preliminary design study for a four-passenger electric vehicle. Three major tasks were involved: a conceptual design/tradeoff study task in which design directions were established, a preliminary design task which developed the designs in more detail, and a development planning task which generated recommendations for a subsequent hardware development program. Each of these areas is discussed. The design and planning work was carried on under the guideline of using near-term technology and under the firm requirements to provide: (1) accommodations for four adults; (2) 55 mph cruising speed; (3) heater/defroster; (4) design life of 100,000 miles; and (5) completed test vehicle by June 1978. Design aspects discussed include propulsion system; batteries/charger, body/structure, chassis system, accessories, and weight. (ERA citation 03:008734)
Corporate Authors:
ASL Engineering, Incorporated
495 South Fairview Avenue
Goleta, CA United States 93017 - Publication Date: 1977-8
Media Info
- Pagination: 205 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Battery chargers; Costs; Design; Electric batteries; Electric vehicles; Energy; Flywheels; Guidelines; Heaters; Hybrid automobiles; Hybrid vehicles; Motor vehicles; Performance; Planing; Planning; Propulsion; Recommendations; Research projects; Speed; Testing; Traffic speed; Vehicle design; Vehicle power plants; Weight
- Uncontrolled Terms: Propulsion systems; Range; Research programs
- Old TRIS Terms: Us erda
- Subject Areas: Design; Energy; Finance; Highways; Planning and Forecasting; Research; Safety and Human Factors; Vehicles and Equipment;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00175221
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: National Technical Information Service
- Report/Paper Numbers: Final Rpt.
- Contract Numbers: EY-76-C-03-1295
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Apr 26 1978 12:00AM