The objective of this report is to familiarize the reader with the capabilities and characteristics of the Integrated Noise Model (INM). The INM is a noise-simulation computer-based tool for describing and defining the impact of aircraft noise around an airport. It is useful in assessing actual or predicted airport noise impacts. The INM takes into account all pertinent impact parameters including types and numbers of aircraft operating at the airport, flight tracks, operating procedures, and time of day aircraft operations. The INM will also provide a better understanding of aircraft noise, the need for the INM, and its potential applications.

  • Corporate Authors:

    Federal Aviation Administration

    Office of Environmental Quality, 800 Independence Avenue, SW
    Washington, DC  United States  20591
  • Publication Date: 1978-4

Media Info

  • Features: Appendices; Figures;
  • Pagination: 12 p.

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00173821
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Federal Aviation Administration
  • Files: TRIS, USDOT
  • Created Date: Jul 29 1978 12:00AM