This project attempts to develop a comprehensive system for controlling the flow of vehicular traffic through the use of the most up-to-date computer and other technology for monitoring and controlling traffic. The actual production of the equipment and hardware to be used as well as the construction of facilities was undertaken with the aim of conducting a pilot test in a section of Tokyo. The objectives of the pilot project include: Determination of the effectiveness of the newly developed technology in actual urban situations; collection of data on actual traffic flows; and, presentation of the research and development effort to the general public. The pilot test program consists of five subsystems: Route guidance subsystem (RGS); route display board subsystem (RDB), driving information subsystem (DIS); traffic incident information subsystem (DIS), traffic incident information subsystem (TIS); public service vehicle priority subsystem (PVP). In addition, equipment and facilities in the pilot system are divided into the following five groupings: Pilot control center; data communication circuits; roadside units; antennas and related equipment; in-vehicle units. Various systems similar to the one in this project have been developed in Japan and elsewhere abroad. It is noted that in comparing this system to the others, this one appears to be one of the foremost in the world in terms of its scale, its capability for communication with individual vehicles, and the highly sophisticated functions of its components.

  • Corporate Authors:

    Ministry of International Trade & Industry, Japan

    Agency of Industrial Science and Technology
    Tokyo,   Japan 
  • Publication Date: 1977-10

Media Info

  • Features: Figures;
  • Pagination: 48 p.

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00173231
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Apr 26 1978 12:00AM