This research has successfully developed methods and precedures for reducing the annual maintenance investiment for the interstate highway system in Ohio. The research results have been presented in the form of seven implementation packages. A computerized software package accepts detailed information on lighting installations and generates summary reports to design, Construction, and Operations divisions. Detailed procedures manuals have been prepared for collecting data on lighting installations based on pilat compilation in three countries; a cost of $0.50 per light has been projected for this data collection. A work order system updates the compiled data. Detailed investigation of lighting problems resulted in recommendations for solutions. Among these are: decreasing number of pull boxes installed, minimizing use of plastic duct, retaining the DC high potential test for construction project acceptance, preventive maintnenace using summer employees, and greater emphasis on Field and Office Check review meetings. A single recommended improvement is expected to reduce costs and $25,000 per recommended improvement is expected to reduce costs about $25,000 per year. Further savings as well as improved service can be expected from implementation of the project's results. /Author/
Supplemental Notes:
- This report was sponsored by the Ohio Department of Transportation, Standard Research Agreement Number 2800, and prepared in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration.
Corporate Authors:
Ohio University, Athens
Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Athens, OH United States 45701 -
- Stemmler, R E
- Kapka, S J
- Publication Date: 1977-7
Media Info
- Pagination: 7 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Computer programs; Construction; Costs; Inventory control; Maintenance management; Pilot studies; Preventive maintenance; Reduction (Chemistry); Street lighting
- Old TRIS Terms: Pilot study; Reduction
- Subject Areas: Construction; Finance; Highways; Maintenance and Preservation;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00172163
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: National Technical Information Service
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Apr 12 1978 12:00AM