This research was conducted to determine whether there are any advantages in evaluating pavements using the side force or brake slip methods over the current practice using the Locked Wheel Method (ASTM E 274-70). High correlation is obtained between the results of the three methods which indicate that they are related to each other. The concept of using the Reduced Brake Slip Number Plot (BSN vs. sliding velocity) is introduced and it is shown that it can be used to determine Skid Number Gradient (SNG) from a test conducted at only one vhicle speed. The use of side force and slip testing for the evaluation of longitudinally grooved concrete pavements is investigated with blank and ribbed tires. It is shown that measurements with a blank tire indicate a substantial improvement due to grooving while measurements with a ribbed tire are not sensitive to the effects of longitudinal pavement grooves. An analytical model for predicting side force from locked wheel or slip testing is developed and it is applied to the six pavements on which testing was performed. Good agreement is obtained between experimental and predicted results. /Author/

  • Supplemental Notes:
    • Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and conducted in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration.
  • Corporate Authors:

    Pennsylvania State University, University Park

    Pennsylvania Transportation Institute, Transportation Research Building
    University Park, PA  United States  16802
  • Authors:
    • Shah, V R
    • Henry, J J
  • Publication Date: 1977-3

Media Info

  • Pagination: 96 p.

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00172058
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Federal Highway Administration
  • Report/Paper Numbers: FHWA-PA-72-7 Final Rpt., FCP 41H3152
  • Contract Numbers: HPR Agreement 50339
  • Files: TRIS, ATRI, USDOT
  • Created Date: Mar 29 1978 12:00AM