Research is discussed which was designed to determine the size of the park and ride facility that should be constructed adjacent to the station of a new high speed mass transit, tracked air cushion vehicle (ATCV). It was found that binary modal-split procedures were inappropriate, as there were at least 3 competing modes: car, train, and TACV. Ten "channels" were considered, 4 of which were exclusively car- based, 4 of which involved the use of park and ride, and 3 were based upon bus and ride. A model of general formulation involving mode and route split was considered. Details are given of the Markovian process. The computations require information on the transition probabilities which are a result of the subjective estimation by individuals of the attributes of the different alternatives.
Supplemental Notes:
- This paper appears in "Urban Traffic Models", which is a publication containing the Proceedings of Seminar N of the Summer Annual Meeting at University of Warwick, England during July, 1975.
Corporate Authors:
Planning and Transport Res and Computation Co Ltd
167 Oxford Street
London W1R 1AH, England -
- Roulet, J
- Publication Date: 1975-7
Media Info
- Features: References;
- Pagination: p. 64-75
- Publication of: IRCOBI SECRETARIAT
- Publisher: IRCOBI (International Research Council on the Biokinetics of Impacts)
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Automobiles; High speed ground transportation; Markov processes; Mathematical models; Modal split; Park and ride; Railroad transportation; Routes; Tracked air cushion vehicles
- Uncontrolled Terms: Models
- Subject Areas: Highways; Operations and Traffic Management; Planning and Forecasting; Public Transportation; Railroads;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00148090
- Record Type: Publication
- Report/Paper Numbers: P122
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Feb 23 1981 12:00AM