In view of the factor that wrong-way drivers must fail to see or properly interpret the directional signs, warning signs, and pavement markings placed in the intersection for their guidance, something beyond conventional devices is obviously needed. A concept that is believed to have merit involves the placement of raised pavement markers on off-ramps in such a configuration that the driver will be alerted as a result of viewing an unexpected phenomenon. The preliminary research reported in this paper was undertaken to determine the efficacy of random configurations of such markers. The investigation was limited to one Interstate interchange, and only an off-ramp under night conditions was considered. The markers, which possess good reflective qualities, were placed to reflect only the light of a vehicle traveling in the wrong direction. Forty-five markers were randomly placed in a section 36.58m (120 ft) long. The results of the investigation showed that the raised pavement marking system was effective in alerting drivers because they viewed an unexpected phenomenon. Also, it was thought that the marking system did help to call attention to the wrong way signs and that it would be effective in causing a wrong-way driver to realize his or her mistake and act accordingly. Based on the findings of this initial work, the system has been implemented at two sites for further study.

Media Info

  • Media Type: Digital/other
  • Pagination: p 41
  • Monograph Title: Traffic control: signals and other devices
  • Serial:

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00149222
  • Record Type: Publication
  • ISBN: 0309025664
  • Report/Paper Numbers: FCP 42l1024
  • Contract Numbers: C-1-12
  • Files: TRIS, TRB
  • Created Date: Mar 30 1977 12:00AM