The review on railway accidents issued recently by the Indian Railway Board explains how railway accidents take place, and what steps are taken to prevent these. The peak figure since 1947 is 24,120 accidents of all kinds, in 1948-49. This has been reduced steadily to 9,011 in 1957-58. Comparisons in the review with the railways of other countries show that operation in India is not fraught with greater risk than on large railway systems elsewhere. In an analysis of the causes of 277 "serious accidents" on the Indian railways since 1941-42, it is stated that 41.8 percent of the accidents were caused by the failure of railway staff. One step taken to reduce the number of accidents is a general tightening-up of supervision in the civil and mechanical engineering and operating departments, including greater vigilance with regard to floods and washaways.

  • Corporate Authors:

    Temple Press Limited

    161-166 Fleet Street
    Longon EC4,   England 
  • Publication Date: 1958-11-7

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00037659
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Jul 8 1994 12:00AM