The determination of the fatigue characteristics of pavement materials is necessary for the design and evaluation of highway and airport pavements. This paper summarizes the findings of a study in which the controlled-stress, repeated-load indirect tensile test was used to investigate the fatigue characteristics of asphalt mixtures. The logarithmic relationships between fatigue life and both applied stress and initial mixture strain were evaluated and found to be linear. In addition, linear relationships were found between n sub 1 and the logarithm of K sub 1 for the strain-fatigue life relationships and between n sub 2 and the logarithm of K sub 2 for the stress-fatigue life relationships. The effects on fatigue life produced by load, asphalt content, aggregate type, and testing temperature are discussed. Fatigue life could not be estimated from only applied stress or stress difference; however, equations relating life to both the initial mixture strain and the stress-strength ratio were developed. From this study it was concluded that the repeated-load indirect tensile test is suitable for evaluating the fatigue characteristics of asphalt mixtures.
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Supplemental Notes:
- This report may be helpful to those interested in the design of pavements for cargo terminals. Publication of this paper sponsored by Committee on Characteristics of Bituminous Paving Mixtures to Meet Structural Requirements. Distribution, posting, or copying of this PDF is strictly prohibited without written permission of the Transportation Research Board of the National Academy of Sciences. Unless otherwise indicated, all materials in this PDF are copyrighted by the National Academy of Sciences. Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
- Adedimila, Adedare S
- Kennedy, Thomas W
- Publication Date: 1976
Media Info
- Media Type: Print
- Features: Figures; References; Tables;
- Pagination: pp 25-33
- Monograph Title: Asphalts, aggregates, mixes and stress-absorbing membranes
- Transportation Research Record
- Issue Number: 595
- Publisher: Transportation Research Board
- ISSN: 0361-1981
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Accelerated tests; Airport runways; Asphalt mixtures; Asphalt pavements; Defects; Deformation curve; Evaluation; Fatigue (Mechanics); Fatigue (Physiological condition); Load tests; Materials selection; Pavement design; Pavement performance; Pavements; Paving materials; Repeated loads; Road materials; Stresses; Temperature; Tensile properties; Tension tests
- Uncontrolled Terms: Fatigue life; Indirect tensile test; Pavement damage
- Old TRIS Terms: Materials evaluation; Tensile test
- Subject Areas: Aviation; Highways; Marine Transportation; Materials; Pavements; Terminals and Facilities;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00148654
- Record Type: Publication
- ISBN: 0309025648
- Files: TRIS, TRB
- Created Date: Mar 30 1977 12:00AM