Sediment basins outlets constructed with stone fill and plastic filter cloth have been subject to substantial amounts of runoff and have performed satisfactorily. The cost of this design is about one half of the more elaborate graded filter design recommended in FHWA guide-lines. The dimenstions of the basin should be designed with a capacity to accommodate a 5-year frequency storm runoff without damage or failure to the basin. All basins require periodic maintenance to remove accumulated sediments. The contract plans should indicate the location and details of the sediment basin construction. The designer should provide for access of construction equipment to conduct the maintenance operation and provide right-of-way for the basin construction. Sediment basins should not be constructed in active waterways. The overall 4 years experience with temporary erosion controls in New York have indicated that the most effective control measure is early seeding and mulching of exposed slopes.

  • Corporate Authors:

    Federal Highway Administration

    1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
    Washington, DC  United States  20590
  • Authors:
    • Novak, T J
  • Publication Date: 1976-12

Media Info

  • Features: Appendices; Figures;
  • Pagination: p. 11-16
  • Serial:

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00148211
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS, USDOT
  • Created Date: Mar 15 1977 12:00AM