General observations are made about the requirements of models of the stress-strain behavior of cohesionless soil (by the use of both elastic and plastic constitutive relationships), and comments are made about the problem of the determination of the work-hardening law. The use of the continium approach and its inherent problems (inhomogeneous deformation when dense materials are sheared) are discussed, and it is noted that plastic stress-strain relations provide a more convenient means of modeling this behavior than other approaches. The use of stress-strain models to predict the response of a soil deposit to leading requires sophisticated analysis, but the reliability of the conclusiosn drawn from this analysis depends on the adequacy of the input data. Not only must sufficient testing be done to determine a set of material parameters but also sufficient work is needed to provide some idea of the likely variability of the material at a given site. A procedure is outlined for determining the hardening function. In developing a model for overconsolidated materials in general, but particularly with cohesive soils, it has been found possible to determine the hardening fuction by considering the nature of the undrained stress path.

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00148208
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Report/Paper Numbers: ASCE #12536
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Mar 15 1977 12:00AM