This article provides an overview of the I-95 New Haven Harbor Crossing Corridor Improvement Program (I-95 NHHC Program), one of Connecticut's largest multimodal transportation improvement projects. The $1-billion, I-95 NHHC Program includes operational, safety, and capacity improvements for 7.2 miles of I-95, a signature bridge over New Haven Harbor, new and upgraded commuter rail stations, and numerous components for transportation management. Approval of the final environment impact statement and record of decision by the U.S. FHWA in August 1999 concluded a 10-year study process; the final stage of implementation is not expected to begin until late 2007.


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  • Accession Number: 00964488
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Oct 5 2003 12:00AM