An analysis of shifts in daily trip frequency, mode, and purpose during the 1973-74 national energy shortage is presented. Data was collected at the onset and peak of the energy shortage and the respondents were disaggregated by economic level by using Newman and Watchel's definition of poverty level, which combines total household income and household size. Results of the study suggest that travel elasticity is differently apportioned by income level. Therefore, disaggregate as well as aggregate behavior responses must be examined to determine potential changes. The income-related differentials in trip frequency and modal usage indicate that a portion of trip making is one of society's luxuries and that automobile ownership is mandatory for full societal participation.
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- Distribution, posting, or copying of this PDF is strictly prohibited without written permission of the Transportation Research Board of the National Academy of Sciences. Unless otherwise indicated, all materials in this PDF are copyrighted by the National Academy of Sciences. Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
- Stearns, Mary D
- Publication Date: 1976
Media Info
- Media Type: Digital/other
- Features: References; Tables;
- Pagination: pp 38-40
- Monograph Title: Perception and values in travel demand
- Transportation Research Record
- Issue Number: 592
- Publisher: Transportation Research Board
- ISSN: 0361-1981
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Behavior; Data analysis; Energy resources; Income; Low income groups; Mathematical analysis; Mode choice; Motor vehicles; Ownership; Travel patterns; Trip purpose
- Uncontrolled Terms: Energy crisis
- Old TRIS Terms: Modal selection
- Subject Areas: Energy; Highways; Operations and Traffic Management; Planning and Forecasting;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00145329
- Record Type: Publication
- ISBN: 0309025613
- Files: TRIS, TRB
- Created Date: Feb 16 1977 12:00AM