This paper aims to stimulate discussion about school travel, rather than advocate a specific approach. Policy in this area has changed considerably in the UK since 1996, with much being done to develop initiatives. Some local highway authorities have developed their policies and practices more rapidly than others. Research by the University of Westminster, published in September 1999, found that 44% of highway authorities in England and Wales were implementing safer routes schemes in 1999 compared with 10% a year earlier. Since May 1997, the DETR has worked closely on school travel with the Department for Education and Employment (DfEE) and the Department of Health. Since the establishment of the School Travel Advisory Group (STAG) in June 1998, the pace of policy development on school issues has been relatively fast. In 1999, School Travel Plans (STPs) were introduced; since then, they have played a central part in policy development on school travel. An STP is a comprehensive plan, presenting a package of measures which may include: (1) walking, cycling, and public transport initiatives; (2) engineering, educational, travel awareness, and school policy measures; and (3) involvement of parents and pupils. STPs bring non-incremental policy change, by requiring the active involvement of schools in new ways.

  • Availability:
  • Corporate Authors:

    Hemming Group, Limited

    32 Vauxhall Bridge Road
    London,   United Kingdom  SW1V 2SS
  • Authors:
    • Davis, A
  • Publication Date: 2000-6


  • English

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00798038
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Transport Research Laboratory
  • Files: ITRD
  • Created Date: Sep 8 2000 12:00AM