Neighborhood regneration, the competitive position of the older central city neighborhood in relation to suburban alternatives, competitive factors which affect decision-making by relocating families, resotration potential in Washington, D.C. and new residential patterns are discussed, and a politically acceptable intervention strategy for manipulation of restoration phenomena is proposed. Although neighborhood regeneration is now a significant factor, it has not achieved any great proportions. The impediments are mostly political. It is recognized that old neighborhoods have the potential to house a fair proportion of middle- income families. Public policy should be geared to encourage maximum private investment. When attempting to build a residential tax base, it is important to consider market factors that tend to induce such households to relocate. Households upon which cities will depend for autonomous restoration are briefly described, and certain characteristic features which affect suburban-central city choice are listed. An intervention strategy is proposed which is based on census tract data giving information on vacancy or occupancy, housing costs, and income levels. Census data is also utilized for information on the exodus of low-income families from regeneration areas to alert officials to the need for adjustment assistance. The Washington Center for Metropolitan studies has also developed a census-tract-level data base which will enable jurisdictions to answer questions related to inter-and intra-jurisdiction migrants.
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Corporate Authors:
Urban Land Institute
1200 18th Street, NW
Washington, DC United States 20036 -
- Houstoun Jr, L O
- Publication Date: 1976-7
Media Info
- Features: Photos;
- Pagination: p. 3-9
- Urban Land
- Volume: 35
- Issue Number: 7
- Publisher: Urban Land Institute
- ISSN: 0042-0891
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Census; Central business districts; Costs; Decision making; Housings; Income; Low income groups; Neighborhoods; Population movements; Private enterprise; Public policy; Relocation (Facilities); Suburbs; Taxation; Urban areas; Urban renewal
- Uncontrolled Terms: Relocation
- Subject Areas: Data and Information Technology; Economics; Finance; Highways; Policy; Society;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00142182
- Record Type: Publication
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Dec 15 1976 12:00AM