Two types of vibrations are to be considered when designing structures: the large-scale vibrations caused by earthquakes, explosions, etc., and the small-scale ones with a wide range of frequencies occasioned by wind, vehicles, etc., causing problems to road users. The necessary stages in the study of these vibrations are: the measuring of the vibrations at their origin, the transfer of the same and the effects they produce. Work methods are reduced to two basic types: an analytical method using finite elements and concentrated parameters and a method relying on instrumentation and direct measurement. The article outlines each system pointing out some of their advantages and disadvantages. It ends by giving a series of examples with an application satisfactorily carried through of the vibrations originated by a metropolitan underground railway and of those caused by an industrial machine (high-power ventilator) badly cemented in, which produced resonance at its working frequency. As a fundamental conclusion, the authors recommend an appropriate coordination between analytical and instrumental techniques in the study of these phenomena. /TRRL/
- Kissenpfening, J F
- Shkla, D R
- Publication Date: 1975-6-7
- Spanish
Media Info
- Features: Figures;
- Pagination: p. 511-520
- Materiales Maquinaria y Metodos para Construccion
- Issue Number: 123
- Publisher: Maignon
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Finite element method; Foundations; Industries; Instrumentation; Measuring instruments; Soil mechanics; Structural design; Subsoil; Subways; Urban areas; Vibration
- ITRD Terms: 6155: Apparatus (measuring); 1041: Depot (transp); 6490: Finite element method; 3377: Foundation; 332: Industry; 5755: Soil mechanics; 2930: Subsoil; 313: Urban area; 5558: Vibration
- Subject Areas: Bridges and other structures; Geotechnology; Highways;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00142079
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Ministry of Public Works, Spain
- Files: ITRD, TRIS
- Created Date: Dec 15 1976 12:00AM