The use of fibre-glass reinforced plastics instead of steel to band traction-motor armature windings which extend from the core has several advantages: (1) no insulation is required, (2) burning from the coil seldom causes band failure, (3) permanent stretching due to accidental overspeeding is not encountered. In general, the plastic system resists centrifugal forces and provides better mechanical support than steel. The glass tape consisting of fibers and semi-curved resin is applied through a tensioning device into a warm (120 C) armature rotating on a lathe at 75,000 lb/in (super 2) or 45,000 lb/in (super 2) pressure for used or new armatures respectively. The number of turns required is supplied in a table from the tape manufacturer, P.P. Payne and Sons Ltd. The plastic system is cured by baking at 150 deg C for five hours.

  • Corporate Authors:

    Temple Press Limited

    161-166 Fleet Street
    Longon EC4,   England 
  • Authors:
    • Hyett, W G
  • Publication Date: 1964-11-6

Media Info

  • Features: Figures; Photos; Tables;
  • Pagination: p. 906
  • Serial:

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00037236
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Dec 4 1994 12:00AM