Abstracts are presented here of reports in Michigans Statewide Transportation Modeling System series which document both the development of the System and its day-to-day applications within the state government. The Modeling System for transportation planning also forms the basis of a statewide management information system. The reports abstracted here cover the objectives and work program, workshop topic summaries, as well as topics such as single and multiple corridor analysis, model applications-turnbacks, proximity analysis-social impacts of alternate highway plans and public facilities, and cost benefit analysis. Air and Noise pollution system analysis model, transportation planning psychological impact, and level of service systems analysis are also covered. Further reports cover areas such as socio-economic and transportation resources, public interaction, system impact analysis, gasoline consumption, tax rate and valuation information, multimodal mobility and accessibility, commodity flow matrix, and capacity adequacy forecasting.

  • Corporate Authors:

    Michigan Department of State Highways & Transport

    State Highways Building, P.O. Drawer K
    Lansing, MI  United States  48904
  • Publication Date: 1976-5

Media Info

  • Pagination: 72 p.

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00149514
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Created Date: Mar 30 1977 12:00AM