Concrete proposals for the regulation and supply of deep sea pilots to vessels transiting the English Channel and the southern North Sea have been sent to the U.K. government by the Chamber of Shipping acting jointly with Trinity House. The international body proposed to regulate these pilots would be West Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, France and U.K. Pressure is mounting to force large vessels to take on pilots and small local vessels to have pilots on board. A review of the pressure groups involved is presented.
Corporate Authors:
Engineering, Chemical and Marine Press, Limited
33-39 Bowling Green Lane
London EC1P 1AH, England - Publication Date: 1972-2-11
Media Info
- Pagination: 5 p.
- Shipbuilding and Shipping Record
- Publisher: Transport and Technical Publications Limited
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Maritime safety; Pilotage; Safety; Ship pilotage; Standards
- Uncontrolled Terms: Safety standards
- Old TRIS Terms: International maritime safety
- Subject Areas: Marine Transportation; Operations and Traffic Management; Safety and Human Factors;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00035939
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Journal of the Israel Shipping Research Institute
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Oct 20 1973 12:00AM