Using a rough design produced by Mitsubishi as a basis, shipbuilders in the Japanese Transport technical council are well advanced in their design studies for an eventual 1 m. dwt tanker and it is expected that a recommendation to the transport minister will ask for funding for fiscal 1973. The committee has now divided the design of the giant ship among the four major Japanese builders whose design teams are each working upon specific aspects of the building. The design from which the next studies will be made is for a 510 by 85 by 44m vessel, operating at a 33m loaded draught and with a steel weight of 162,000 tons. Fitted with 54 cargo tanks to comply with the latest IMCO thinking, the vessel will be powered by two steam turbines each developing some 45,000 hp.
Corporate Authors:
Engineering, Chemical and Marine Press, Limited
33-39 Bowling Green Lane
London EC1P 1AH, England - Publication Date: 1972-3-18
Media Info
- Pagination: 21 p.
- Shipbuilding and Shipping Record
- Publisher: Transport and Technical Publications Limited
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Financing; Planning; Ships; Vehicle characteristics; Vehicle design
- Uncontrolled Terms: Ship design
- Old TRIS Terms: Financing plans; Ship characteristics
- Subject Areas: Administration and Management; Design; Marine Transportation; Planning and Forecasting; Vehicles and Equipment;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00035937
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Journal of the Israel Shipping Research Institute
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Oct 20 1973 12:00AM