The report describes a Train-Elevated Guideway Interaction (TEGI-2) program. TEGI-2 considers a two vehicle train traveling at constant velocity over a series of uniform simply supported continuous span bridges. A technique for considering non-uniform guideway beams is developed and discussed. The equations governing the train and guideway responses are numerically integrated from arbitrary initial conditions. The bridges can have initial camber or roadway roughness conditions. As part of the program formulations the dynamic response of a semi-infinite uniform and periodically supported beam load by end moments is derived. The program calculates motion parameters, wheel loads, and bending moments in the spans as a function of time. Maximum values of these quantities are also determined. As options, the program can consider a one car train or a single spring mass damper system moving across the bridges. (Author)
Supplemental Notes:
- See also Volume 1, PB-194 137.
Corporate Authors:
TRW Systems Group
One Space Park
Redondo Beach, CA United States 90278 -
- Roberts, F B
- Lipner, N
- Evensen, D A
- Kaplan, A
- Publication Date: 1970-7
Media Info
- Pagination: 172 p.
- Volume: 2
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Computer programming; Dynamic loads; Elevated guideways; Guideways; High speed ground transportation; Loads; Railroad bridges; Railroad trains; Variables
- Uncontrolled Terms: Dynamic response
- Old TRIS Terms: Tegi 2 computer program
- Subject Areas: Railroads; Terminals and Facilities; Vehicles and Equipment;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00039232
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: National Technical Information Service
- Report/Paper Numbers: 06818-6047-RO-00 Final Rpt
- Contract Numbers: DOT-C-353-66
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Nov 24 1973 12:00AM