Nonmetallic waterstops having suitable properties for use in joints in hydraulic structures of concrete have been made successfully from natural rubber, synthetic rubber, and polyvinyl chloride. To perform satisfactorily, a waterstop must have sufficient strength and extensibility to avoid being ruptured by joint movement, and it must maintain strength and extensibility over the temperature range and in spite of chemical attack from the environment of service. It must also have suitable dimensions and configuration and be installed so as to avoid waterflow around the embedded ends. Field and laboratory studies have led to the conclusion that suitable waterstop materials should have a tensile strength of at least 1400 psi (plastic), 2000 psi (rubber), the ability to elongate 280 percent (plastic) or 360 percent (rubber), and to have various levels of maintenance of relevant properties after various chemical and thermal exposures.

  • Corporate Authors:

    U.S. Army Waterways Experiment Station

    3909 Halls Ferry Road
    Vicksburg, MS  United States  39180-6199
  • Authors:
    • Hoff, G C
    • Houston, B J
  • Publication Date: 1970-10

Media Info

  • Pagination: 32 p.

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00145724
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: National Technical Information Service
  • Report/Paper Numbers: WES-MP-C-70-22
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Jan 16 1977 12:00AM