The Kansas City ASAP completed its 4th year of operation in 1975. The analysis of all these data clearly indicates the success of the ASAP in achieving its objective. Alcohol was involved in fewer than 50% of the fatal crashes for the third consecutive year, confirming the earlier observation that the drop in alcohol-involved fatal crashes is statistically significant. Also significant was the continued lower-than- before ratio between injury crashes occurring late at night and all injury crashes. Over the 4 years, nighttime injury crashes have been reduced by approximately 525, half of which can be attributed to reduced drunk driving. Observed drunk driving at high blood alcohol levels (0.15% or more) continued the low rate established the last 2 years, and arrests at these levels have declined relative to arrests at lower levels. The savings in lives and injuries alone can be shown to represent a societal gain of $10.9 million, more than four times the DOT cost of $2.66 million. In addition, the program created a net income to the city in the first 3 years alone of $827,000. The accident statistics for the most recent year, however, even though they represent an improvement over the pre-ASAP years, display a slight, statistically nonsignificant relapse as compared with 1973 and 1974 data. The relapse in the measured drinking and driving habits of nighttime drivers is even more pronounced. A rather large increase in the percentage of drivers' BACs in the range of 0.05 to 0.14 is observed. Additional problems are the decreasing public awareness of the project, the increasing number of nighttime drivers coming from bars and restaurants, and the increasing amount of youthful drinking and driving. The project must now place more emphasis on a target group with somewhat different characteristics. Drivers in this group tend to be younger and to live in a higher income area than those being dealt with now, and they have a slight tendency to be represented more freqiently by whites and by females. Some element of deterrence among this group might be expected through public information and education activities. The rest must come from arrests and referrals, although recent state law changes have hampered the project operations and abilities in this regard somewhat. /HSRI/

  • Corporate Authors:

    Midwest Research Institute

    425 Volker Boulevard
    Kansas City, MO  United States  64110-2299
  • Authors:
    • Glauz, W D
  • Publication Date: 1976-5-26

Media Info

  • Features: Figures; Tables;
  • Pagination: 92 p.

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00145068
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Highway Safety Research Institute
  • Report/Paper Numbers: Report 4 (Part 1) Annual Rpt
  • Contract Numbers: DOT-HS-077-1-100
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Apr 13 1977 12:00AM